How does writing play a part in a math classroom to develop understanding?
I was trying to think of some new ways to get my students to truly understand what they were doing while working their math problems. I thought that if they had to write their steps down in a detail format and explain to their friends, the boys would be able to catch their mistakes faster and see where they needed help. This blog explains our journey. I am also learning about project base learning this year. I will also be taking you though our journey of project base learning and geometry.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Teaching Eachother Through Videos
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Similes For Integer Rules

I also had them write headlines to show their understanding of the concept. Here is an example on the things they came up with.

How Fractions Relate to Racism

Holly Butora, the boys reading teacher has just had them read the Cay. The Cay talks about racism in the story. As they read the book, the class would talk about what racism looked like and how it was being played out in the book. After many class discussions the class was asked to write a simile about racism. They then turned their simile into a worldal that compared racism to a real world topic. These boys choose fractions. I am showing this as an example of how deep the boys are now going to really learn about what they are doing in math. I was so impressed on how the boys were able to take a topic like fractions and compare it to racism.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Tax and Sale
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Percent Problems
On field day Barry entered 16% of the events open to his age group. If he entered 12 events, how many events were there altogether?
One boy even did a podcast of his explanation to help the other Boys in the class.
The boys have also started asking about sales tax and how you find it. We talked a little about the process and next week we will be comparing the different states and their sales taxes. We went on a field trip this Friday and one of the boys asked his mother for a little more money so he would have enough for sales tax. I thought that was cute. The boys are very interested in sales tax and how it makes a difference in their purchases. The lesson really has them thinking about how math can effect their everyday life.
How Fifth Grade Looks at Geometry
One group even brought up that making pills has geometry involve and how big to make the containers that the pills will go into. Teaching with discovery has really allowed these boys to own their learning and question things they are learning.

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Geometry and Building
**** Some examples of the Geometry projects. --- These are some videos that the boys made of the full project.
Here are some pictures of their houses.