Thursday, March 24, 2011

Percent Problems

We have been talking about different types of percent problems. This week the boys have been working on word problems that involve part/whole or is/of. They have had fun trying to find the unknown (variable). One boy said, "This is fun because it is more like a game than math." I am telling them to treat it like a game. The boys are finding the answer first and then explaining why as a form of checking themselves. This is where Random Guy is coming back into the picture. One of the problems I gave them this week was:

On field day Barry entered 16% of the events open to his age group. If he entered 12 events, how many events were there altogether?

One boy even did a podcast of his explanation to help the other Boys in the class.


The boys have also started asking about sales tax and how you find it. We talked a little about the process and next week we will be comparing the different states and their sales taxes. We went on a field trip this Friday and one of the boys asked his mother for a little more money so he would have enough for sales tax. I thought that was cute. The boys are very interested in sales tax and how it makes a difference in their purchases. The lesson really has them thinking about how math can effect their everyday life.

How Fifth Grade Looks at Geometry

Here is an example of what the fifth grade wrote about their thoughts on Geometry and what they learned from this unit. I had them share their thoughts with the class as they presented their project. I was very excited to see that the boys now look at the world through a geometry perspective and see how much math plays a part in their life.

One group even brought up that making pills has geometry involve and how big to make the containers that the pills will go into. Teaching with discovery has really allowed these boys to own their learning and question things they are learning.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Geometry and Building

The boys' final project in Geometry was to create their own dream house. They had to make a blue print, use perimeter, circumference, and area, write about how they see Geometry in the world, and build their dream house out of things around their home. When they used perimeter, circumference, and area the boys had to ask a question about why they needed to use perimeter, circumference, and area. Then they answered the question in the project.

**** Some examples of the Geometry projects. --- These are some videos that the boys made of the full project.

Here are some pictures of their houses.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Infusing Technology Into The Math Curriculum

Here is what the technology teacher at my school is doing with the boy's explanations on how to solve different math problems. We felt this was a great idea. They are now taking their writings and making quick videos for their peers to watch.

Infusing Technology Into The Math Curriculum --- Here is a blog about how to make the videos. This is written by our technology teacher.

5th Grade Math Videos ---- Here are some examples of what we have done so far. We are hoping to make many more videos like this in the future.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Math In The Reading Classroom

I wanted to share some examples of what two boys did in their Reading class yesterday. I was excited to see them pulling their definitions into their Reading class.

Thoughts .......

So far this year I feel I have grown as a teacher so much! I am becoming a better teacher. Making the boys dig deep and immerse themselves in the content has given them and me a chance to look at math in so many different ways. The boys have made connections that I could have never imagined. I am able to show the boys that what they are learning now will be used in their other other classes and why. For example knowing exactly why the units are cubed in Volume, lead to the question, "How and Why" This lead into how to multiply exponents. Some of the boys are learning about Laws of Exponents now because the questions they were asking. I am very excited to see where this will lead the boys in their future math classes.

I would love to hear your thoughts.